Cashmere detergent: natural cleaning
We have been advising our customers on the care of their cashmere pieces for years. By choosing an organic and sustainable cashmere detergent, you create the basis for the proper cleaning of your cashmere products. The wool of the cashmere goat is a high-quality natural fibre that is very easy to wash and care for. Cashmere can be washed wonderfully in the washing machine. However, please use only a little detergent. Please set the machine wash to cold and max. 400-600 spin cycles. Carefully remove the cashmere from the washing machine and place it on a towel to dry in the desired shape. You can also use your tumble dryer and gently dry the cashmere for a short time. If you don't want to wash your cashmere, you can also air it out overnight in the fresh air. It cleans itself and regains its fresh scent in the humidity outside.
Machine wash or hand wash?
The question always arises whether it is better to wash cashmere in the washing machine or whether hand washing is more suitable. We definitely recommend machine washing, because with hand washing you have to take the cashmere out of the washbasin after washing and automatically press or wring it out firmly. This is because when wet, the material deforms very easily, elongates or warps. In the washing machine, on the other hand, the fabric will flex under its own weight and hold its shape very well. When you take it out of the washing machine, please pay attention to its shape and length. Any lumps can now be easily plucked off or later removed with a razor when dry. If there are real stains in the cashmere, you can easily treat them by hand with the cashmere detergent. But please be careful and do not rub too hard. It is advisable to do the spot treatment by hand before machine washing.
Can I dry clean my cashmere?
No, please do not dry clean cashmere. Even though some manufacturers claim dry-cleaning on the product label, we clearly recommend gentle machine washing with a few spin cycles. This is the best way to keep cashmere fresh and clean.
What do I do about stains?
If you have discovered a stain on your cashmere jumper, you can gently wash the area with a little cashmere detergent. Be careful not to rub too much. Then simply put it in the washing machine.
Why do nodules form?
Nodules, called pilling, are caused by friction when worn.... Labels sewn into the inside of outdoor coats or pocket straps can also be the cause of unloved pilling. Basically, a loosely knitted cashmere will pill more than a tightly twisted knit. The purer the natural fibre, the easier it is for excess yarn to come out. Therefore, please wash the cashmere often!
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